

Never before have we understood how valuable the freedom of being able to go out into the mountains, enjoy nature and our bicycle is.

This global crisis caused by COVID-19 has made us reflect on this and on many things. For example, now maybe we understand that our actions have a direct action on the planet. That global warming isn’t a hoax and that changes in habitats and in the atmosphere may be irreversible. And we have realized that humans are also exposed to these risks (this virus has shown us this). We are not invincible and it should be better investing in health, research and development, sustainability and much less in wars and weapons.

In these rare times, the world of the bicycle must show its most caring, sustainable and responsible side. Now or never. And we have a moral duty to demonstrate it, both in our territory and in other areas outside our borders, when they allow us to move to other countries. We can all practice responsible tourism, respecting the distancing, safety and hygiene measures proposed by our countries and avoiding any possible contagion. And if you have any symptoms compatible with COVID-19, don’t move and call your health center to inform you of the steps to follow. We owe it to our health, to our economy and above all to our old people, who have done so much for us and how much damage this virus has caused. Respect for all of them.

In our new normality (as they have called it in Spain) we will meet again, laugh, pedal and move to our beloved mountains in rural areas. This is why in these following months we’ll have to be more responsible, in many of our towns very old people live.

For this reason, from Trans-Nomad, we have always been betting on sustainable sports tourism, we ask you for maximum responsibility, both in Spain and in your countries. In rural areas, we must avoid close contact with people maintaining the safety distance and use the common areas and itineraries recommended by their municipalities (parks, fountains, picnic areas). We must avoid overcrowding and very large groups, and if we do, keeping the safety distance. If we are going to travel by car to these rural areas or to any part of our mountains, we should avoid parking in the center of towns and leaving that space for the local population, leaving a social distance also between vehicles. We must also follow the safety measures in public transport or those required / recommended in each country for businesses, such as the use of a mask in some cases.

Of course, now or never, we must support and consume in local commerce, accommodation and tourist services in rural areas that are having such a hard time right now. That is also our work as responsible tourists.

It is the time to avoid accidents as much as possible, to plan the routes well and let someone know where we are going to do our route. Everything to minimize the work of our health personnel, who have made and are making a great effort.

And it is also responsible, putting into practice our good practices as cyclists at these times when we all want to be in nature. We must be more careful with the environment: don’t throw garbage, respect the wild fauna and flora and traditional activities (livestock, agriculture, hunting), avoid leaving the trail, avoid erosion, contribute to the maintenance of the trails, be respectful with the other users that are in our way and facilitate the passage. In short, all those rules that we know well and that help to improve the image of destinations and mtb in the mountains.

From Trans-Nomad, we want to be more responsible, more sustainable and, of course, comply with all these measures that we consider necessary to guarantee the safety of our participants, workers and, above all, for the local population. All this will end and hopefully next year, just remember these months as a bad nightmare. But now or never, it’s time to demonstrate our responsibility. We must of course enjoy our mountains, our bike and life, but being aware of this situation. No psychosis, no fear, but with responsibility, nothing more. Now or never.

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Plaza Unidad Nacional, 7 – PISO 7 B – Huesca (Huesca)

info@trans-nomad.com – Tel. 638224760 – http://www.trans-nomad.com

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The Rocket Science Group LLC d/b/a MailChimp – España (Gestión de envíos de emails y comunicaciones) – Decisión de adecuación de la Comisión de la UE

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Plaza Unidad Nacional, 7 – PISO 7 B – Huesca (Huesca)

info@trans-nomad.com – Tel. 638224760 – http://www.trans-nomad.com

Gestión de las suscripciones para envíos de newsletters, boletines informativos, promociones o similares. Envío de la newsletter con publicidad sobre productos y servicios y novedades del sector. Las consecuencias de no facilitarnos estos datos será la imposibilidad de contactarle y proporcionarle una respuesta a su solicitud, prestarle el servicio o proveerle el producto solicitado. Usted tiene derecho a recibir respuesta a cualquier pregunta, consulta o aclaración que le surja derivada de este formulario, llamándonos, enviándonos un e-mail o visitando nuestras instalaciones.

Consentimiento explícito del interesado . Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos Personales y Garantía de los Derechos Digitales (LOPDGDD) 3/2018, Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 relativo a la protección de datos personales CONSERVACIÓN Mientras no se solicite su supresión por el interesado. Guardamos sus datos hasta que usted decida o el tiempo necesario si hay alguna obligacion legal al respecto.

Organizaciones o personas directamente relacionadas con el responsable . Por lo demás, no cedemos sus datos a nadie, pero podemos permitir su tratamiento por parte de terceros únicamente por motivos técnicos, legales y/o de prestación del servicio

The Rocket Science Group LLC d/b/a MailChimp – España (Gestión de envíos de emails y comunicaciones) – Decisión de adecuación de la Comisión de la UE

SUSCRIPTORES: El propio interesado o su representante legal

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Plaza Unidad Nacional, 7 – PISO 7 B – Huesca (Huesca)

info@trans-nomad.com – Tel. 638224760 – http://www.trans-nomad.com

Cesión de datos a los patrocinadores de Trans-Nomad para poder recibir por parte de ellos información comercial sobre sus servicios y/o productos, Las consecuencias de no facilitarnos estos datos será la imposibilidad de ceder sus datos a nuestros patrocinadores y recibir información comercial sobre sus productos y servicios. Usted tiene derecho a recibir respuesta a cualquier pregunta, consulta o aclaración que le surja derivada de este formulario, llamándonos, enviándonos un e-mail o visitando nuestras instalaciones

Consentimiento explícito del interesado . Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos Personales y Garantía de los Derechos Digitales (LOPDGDD) 3/2018, Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 relativo a la protección de datos personales

Mientras se mantenga la relación mercantil. Guardamos sus datos mientras dure la relación contractual o precontractual o mientras Ud. no solicite su supresión o el tiempo necesario si hay alguna obligación legal o interés legítimo al respecto.

Organizaciones o personas directamente relacionadas con el responsable . Cedemos sus datos a los siguientes patrocinadores: • Orbea https://www.orbea.com/

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CLIENTES: El propio interesado o su representante legal . Los datos de los clientes se obtienen de ellos mismos cuando nos solicitan un servicio.
SUSCRIPTORES: El propio interesado o su representante legal

Usted tiene derecho acceder a sus datos, recti carlos, suprimirlos, limitar u oponerse a su tratamiento, a su portabilidad, a retirar su consentimiento y a presentar reclamaciones ante la Autoridad de Control (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos). Más información en nuestra “Política de privacidad y Protección de Datos